On the first Sunday of each month we celebrate the liturgy of Holy Communion.
On the second Sunday of each month, in place of a prelude, we have a hymn sing.
On the last Sunday of each month, we have a puppet ministry.
It is our Sunday morning liturgies that unite us together as God’s baptized people proclaiming the gospel to all.
There are a variety of opportunities for everyone who would like to be a part of our worship services. Some of those opportunities are:
Acolyte: youth in 5th grade thru 8th grade assist worship by lighting the alter candles prior to the services and extinguishing them at the conclusion of worship.
Crucifer: youth in 5th grade thru 8th grade assist worship by carrying the processional cross in and out of the sanctuary during the entrance and sending hymns.
Usher: collect offering and assist with other parts of the service as needed.
Greeter: greet people as they come to worship and assist ushers as needed.
Communion Assistants: assist with the distribution of Holy Communion.
Bread Baker: provide bread for Holy Communion.
Altar Care: prepares the chancel area for worship and also communion.
Nursery Care: supervise young children in the nursery.
Flower Sponsors: provide funding for the alter flowers for worship.
Worship is planned, reviewed, and overseen by the Worship and Music Committee. Various people on this committee do the scheduling of persons who assist in worship.
If you are interested in serving in our worship services, please contact the church office.