Corporate Worship expresses the unity of the people of God and their continuity with Christians across the ages. The purpose of the Worship and Music Committee is to facilitate the congregational participation in the celebration of worship. To fulfill this purpose the following opportunities are offered:
Altar Care – Altar Care Teams are responsible for setting up the altar for communion, hanging the appropriate colored paraments and filling all candles with oil for services. Each team is responsible for all services for a given month.
Acolytes & Crucifiers – Sunday school students who have received their 1st Holy Communion are automatically placed on this list for serving as acolytes (all services) or crucifers (on festival Sundays). They are responsible for the lighting and extinguishing of candles, and they assist in the receptionĀ of the offering.
Liturgical Assistants – Liturgical Assistans provide additional help for communion and festival services, read lessons, serve communion and provide a Youth Message.
Communion Assistants and Bread Bakers – Communion Assistants help with thte sacrament of Holy Communion in conjunction with the Pastor and Liturgical Assistant. They assist in serving either wine or grape juice. Bread Bakers are responsible for the bread used during communion. The bread is usually purchased or baked (as a whole loaf) and dropped off at church prior to the service.
Nursery – These volunteers help out by supplying child care for our little people during Sunday church services.
Ushers – Ushers toll the bell at the start of worship. Turn on lights inthe chancel area. Ushers distribute bulletins and help direct anyone needing to find a seat. They help to direct worshipers for communion and assist in the collection of the offering. Ushers are assigned for each service.
Altar Flower Sponsor/Delivery = Flowers can be sponsored in memory or honor of a loved one and for a special occasion. Volunteers are assigned to take the flowers (after the 11:00 service) to a sick, hospitalized, or shut in member.
Greeters – These volunteers greet all of our worshipers and visitros as they enter our sanctuary doors prior to the worship service.
Lectors – These volunteers read the first and second lessons. Sometimes, the Lector will help read the psalm responsively with the congregation.
Music Opportunities Choirs and Instrumental Ensambles
Trinity Adult Choir – High school or older, rehearses every Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. Hymns, anthems, liturgy and worship instruction for upcoming services are reviewed.
The Trinity Ringers – a hand bell ensemble rehearses every Monday night at 7:00 pm.
The Youth Chimes – This ensemble meets as needed. The Youth Chimes ring on special occasions and on Christmas Eve and Easter.